Exclusive vs. Non-exclusive Distributor

Have you ever wanted to know the difference between the exclusive and the non-exclusive polymer distributers, GAP polymers will help you to know the main differences between them.
First we have to admit that distributors play a vital role in any industry, especially polymer distributing. They are appointed to increase the reach of polymers in the market. they are responsible for carrying the demo goods into the market. so, when the producers hope to expand their business in other parts of the country or other countries they searching for distributors.
That’s why you have to deal with convenience distribution channels. Here are 5 reasons why producers need Polymer Distributors, According to GAP polymers expert’s affidavit, MR. Hossam Shehata:
1. Producers cannot reach all parts of the world by themselves. They can only access major points of highly demanded areas. Plastic polymer distributors know exactly how to reach a variety of markets. They have valuable information, so they save time and effort.
2. Polymer distributors can take care of distribution services. They have a workforce, vans, trucks, so transporting the goods to wherever will be guaranteed.
3.They also can handle all financial problems. They can help producers save money that can be pumped back to many important fields such as Sales or Marketing.
4. Producers do not have a general cultural view of the markets they deal with. Here comes the role of the distributor, who can manage cultural needs on the ground. Besides producers’ products will reach the farthest corners of the country in no time. In the current circumstances, we always see an absolute need for distributors to have the same culture of the homeland they deal with.
5. Marketing new grades is a hard challenge to any producer. They need technical supporters and a dedicated team who can make face-to-face deals. So, they will need help from a world-class plastic raw material distributor who can finish this easily.
1- The exclusive polymer distributor (there is no competition)
- Appointing an exclusive distributor of plastic resin has many benefits for producers. He will protect them from any competition that comes from the upper stream supply chain.
- He is the only distributor who can sell the goods in any district. The distributor cannot distribute any products that can compete with the producer’s product.
- Exclusive plastic raw material distributor never fears competition. He is dealing with the same customers, through the same channels. So, the producer will be on the safe side, and the producer will be in the comfort zone.
- Regarding earnings, the exclusive polymer resin distributor guarantees that it will not be reduced in the distribution process. The absence of any other distributors in the same district is the main reason for that.
- When the producers deal with an exclusive plastic polymer distributor, their role is limited to evaluating. They have to ensure that their products reach the target market, and to the higher threshold. But what if complications happened between the producer and the exclusive distributor? Here comes the advantage of the non-exclusive distributor.
2-The non-exclusive polymer distributor (fair competition)·
- When the producer decided to deal with a non-exclusive polymer resin distributor, he takes the advantage of fair competition from two or three distributors.
- When the producer decided to deal with a non-exclusive polymer resin distributor, he takes the advantage of fair competition from two or three distributors.
- He can divide his products according to their classifications, volumes, or applications. He must ensure there is no competition between all the authorized
distributors due to the code of business conduct and ethics.
- This competition gives the producer the chance to explore new product demands. This will be explored geographically.
- The need for non-exclusive plastic resin distributors increases to the certain type of producers. Those who distribute in the third world and emerging countries.
- There are no exclusive distributor can cover those emerging and high-population countries.
- The non-exclusive plastic polymer distributors try their best to meet the producer’s aspirations. They aim to earn more profit, by reaching new markets.
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